
What Are The Different Types Of X-Ray Films Available?

X-ray films are crucial in the modern world of medical imaging. They let healthcare professionals diagnose various conditions. However, it’s crucial to understand the various types available while using X-ray films. Each type serves a different purpose. Agfa offers three main types of X-ray films. Knowing these types of X-ray films helps you choose the best Agfa X-ray machine for your work.

Learn about Blue, Ortho, and Mammo films to choose the right one for your needs, improve the quality, and get the right imaging results. Thus, let’s begin understanding the types that Agfa offers.

3 Most Important Types of Ray Films Available

You can get the three best X-ray films. If you are wondering which type to choose, consider Blue, Ortho, or Mammo.

Blue Film: Quick Processing

A blue film is a high-speed X-ray film designed for general radiology. When you take an X-ray, the machine sends X-rays through the body to create an image. These screens are designed to emit blue light when X-rays hit them. The blue light then hits the film and creates the image.

A blue film can be more cost-effective because it works with the equipment used in general radiology. The screens can excellently convert X-rays into visible light and expose the film to create images. These are the benefits of blue films:

  • Captures images quickly
  • Offers detailed and clear images
  • A practical choice for different healthcare facilities

Ortho Film: Designed with Green-Emitting Screens

Ortho film is a versatile X-ray film designed for use with green-emitting screens. Here’s a list of the key benefits of ortho film:

  • Works in different imaging situations
  • Maintains high image quality
  • Ensures reliable results
  • Suitable for an array of imaging requirements

Mammo Film: Simplifying Imaging Breast Tissue

Mammo film is specially designed for mammography (imaging breast tissue). It’s built to handle the dense structures of the breast and provides high contrast and detail where needed most.

The high contrast in these films helps radiologists spot small abnormalities (such as lumps and more). These details are not visible on standard X-ray films. Besides, this also helps radiologists make diagnoses less complicated. At the same time, they also help professionals ensure that the most minor issues are not overlooked.

  • Offers excellent detection of minuscule changes in the breast
  • Gives detailed and clear images
  • Helps radiologists spot small abnormalities that may otherwise be missed

So, understanding the different types of X-ray films helps you make better choices for your imaging needs. The blue film is for general radiology and comes with high-speed imaging to offer clear results. On the contrary, the mammo film is specially made for detailed breast imaging.

Lastly, the ortho film offers excellent quality for general use and works well with green-emitting screens. Thus, you can ensure accurate diagnoses and patient care by selecting the right Agfa India X-ray film accordingly. Every type can meet specific tasks based on their needs.